integral meditation

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&ldquo,Kenneth S&oslash,rensen masterfully shows how the human being is a seven-fold system of energies and offers a variety of meditations for accessing all the colors of this rainbow of potentiality.Integral meditation is an illuminating and wise presentation of the science of meditation. It is a candid spiritual autobiography &ndash, a magnificent synthesis of the author&rsquo,s life to date and what he has discovered by consciously treading the path of the Soul.&rdquo,Michael Lindfield &ndash, Board President of Meditation Mount in Ojai, California&nbsp,Kenneth S&oslash,rensen (born 1962) is a psychotherapist, author and spiritual teacher, and the co-founder of He has an MA in Psychosynthesis from the University of East London and is the author of The Soul of Psychosynthesis

  • ISBN: 9788792252197
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

A Phenomenological Study of the Impact of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness on Psychologically Normal Volunteers Essentially, I wish to know details about psychonormal people’s non-ordinary experiences which they have had externally to the research proposed herein. Specifically, I would like to know what kinds of experiences they had in common, what they saw and felt, whether the experiences improved their lives in some way, how durable such changes were, and whether they would seek such non-ordinary states in the future. Many studies have been conducted, for decades, on some of these questions, but I am aware of a critical level of detail which has not been addressed in the literature, which is how conscious and volitional state shifts can be, and whether such knowledge could lead to improved therapies and methods of self-improvement. My hope is that studies such as this currently proposed will lead to answers for such questions. Because the content of people’s subjective experiences is neither well-organized nor well-understood, I concluded that this research should be qualitative in order to develop a useful base of data for categorization and comprehension. According to the guidelines in Creswell (2007, pp. 58-61), the qualitative tradition I use should be phenomenological. Some of these criteria are: a) When it is important to understand the common experience of several people who have shared an insufficiently understood phenomenon, without presuppositions. b) There should be a substantial philosophical foundation to the topic. c) The meaning of the phenomenon can best (or only) be expressed in the personal terms of the individuals involved.

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