el conejito andarin

Portada de el conejito andarin

Había una vez un conejito que se quería ir lejos. Pero no importaba cómo o adónde decidía ir, su mamá siempre se lo impedía, pues ella adoraba a su conejito.

The Runaway Bunny is a 1942 picture book written by Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by Clement Hurd. The plot deals with a small rabbit, who wants to run away. His mother, however, tells him that «if you run away, I will run after you». The book has been in print continuously since 1942. This book is the first in Brown and Hurd’s «classic series,» which also includes Goodnight Moon and My World. The picture of a cow jumping over the moon, which features prominently in Goodnight Moon, first appeared in The Runaway Bunny. A copy of The Runaway Bunny appears in Goodnight Moon, as does the illustration of the mother fishing for the bunny child. The three books have been published together as a collection titled Over the Moon. The closing line of the book, «‘Have a carrot,’ said the mother bunny,» was added after Ursula Nordstrom, the director of Harper’s Department of Books for Boys and Girls, told Brown that the ending needed work. The line was cabled in to Harper’s from Maine, where Brown was on vacation. There have been two different final illustrations for this book.

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 23/12/2010
  • Plaza de edición: LONDON
  • Año de edición: 2010
  • ISBN: 9780060776947
  • Idioma: CASTELLANO

Este libro ha sido escrito y pretenece a Margaret Wise Brown

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