dream decoder

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People are fascinated, even frightened with the moving images that play out during sleep.&nbsp, Some believe that dreams can predict the future.&nbsp, Others say that dreams depict real life.&nbsp, Still others believe that dreams are a manifestation of what we want to be or a message to be considered.We spend one-third of our lives sleeping.&nbsp, In the average lifetime, six years is spent dreaming.&nbsp, That&rsquo,s more than 2,100 days spent in a different world!&nbsp, Every night, we dream on an average of one to two hours and usually have 4-7 dreams per night.&nbsp,What dreams can do is provide a sense of insight into ourselves.&nbsp, They can help us with situations we&rsquo,re unsure about.&nbsp, They can guide us in a certain direction when faced with uncertainty.&nbsp, They can simply give us an overall good feeling as we dream of something pleasant.The dream state is a Divine guide and experimental playground which gives you a chance to explore and express emotions without the usual inhibitions you may display in your waking life. Dreams provide an avenue of expression for the part of yourself that knows both your history and your potential as a spiritual being.&nbsp, They are another way the universe, or our Divine provides guidance about relationships, careers, and health problems. Through dreams you may find answers to your spiritual questions and even receive encouragement to some challenge in your life. While some dreams may allow you to release bottled emotions from your day&#39,s activities, others can lead to profound insights in a psychological or spiritual way.Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool.&nbsp, In analysing dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings.&nbsp, No one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself.&nbsp,In this book, we will look at dreams and dreaming as a science as well as the various meanings that dream content can h

  • ISBN: 9780995407688
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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