as a man thinketh
Como Piensa el Hombre – Asi es Su Vida es la traducci n al espa ol de As a Man Thinketh, la obra m s c lebre e influyente de James AllenComo Piensa el Hombre – Asi es Su Vida ofrece la sabidur a y la orientaci n de uno de los escritores filos ficos m s inspiradoras e influyentes de la historia. …
A long-standing classic in the field of self-help, this book is a must read for anyone interested in bettering themselves. The human mind is more powerful than most people know and this book provides readers with a major key in teaching us how to use it properly. Thoughts are what truly control your life, and this book can well be considered a kind of ",owner',s manual", for the mind. The teachings are simple but powerful. Chapters include Thought and Character, Effect of Thought on Circumstances, Effect of Thought on Health and the Body, Thought and Purpose, The Thought-Factor in Achievement, Visions and Ideals, and Serenity._,
- ISBN: 9781585093052
- Encuadernación: Sin formato definido
A long-standing classic, this book is a must read for anyone interested in bettering themselves. The human mind is more powerful than most people know and this book provides readers with a major key in teaching us how to use it properly. Thoughts are what truly control your life, and this can well be considered a kind of owners manual for the mind. The teachings are simple but powerful. Once you take its teachings to heart, changes begin to unfold. Chapters include Thought and Character, Effect of Thought on Circumstances, Effect of Thought on Health and the Body, Thought and Purpose, The Thought-Factor in Achievement, Visions and Ideals, and Serenity.
The mind guides our footsteps as we progress along the pathway of life.Purity of mind leads inevitably to purity of life, to the precious love and understanding that should control our everyday acts and attitudes towards friends and foes.But where must one look for guidance? How does one achieve purity of mind that alone brings happiness and confidence?The author offers his clear answers in this book As A Man Thinketh. His words have helped millions for more than a century–and they continue to point the true way to a better life for a troubled humanity.»Out of a clean heart comes a clean life and a clean body,» James Allen writes. «Out of a defiled mind proceeds a defiled life and a corrupt body.»Too many mortals strive to improve only their wordly position–and too few seek spiritual betterment. Such is the problem James Allen faced in his own time. The ideas he found in his inner-most heart after great searching guided him as they will guide you.