a path to personal freedom

Portada de a path to personal freedom

This book is about our universe, our most recent science, our spiritual search, our experience, and how all of these support the once crazy idea that we are here to live lives guided by the uninhibited expression of personal freedom. I define freedom as letting go of those things in our lives that block us from experiencing our birthright, which is living fully within the flow of this infinite creation&mdash,a flow that is shaped by a deep type of connectedness that we sometimes call Love. &nbsp, When I published my first book on this topic, The Architecture of Freedom, some readers requested a shorter version. This book is a response to that request. &nbsp, While the ideas in this book are not critical for living, they certainly can help make our lives much more enjoyable. Our primary purpose is to explore, express and share our individual and unique gifts so that all of us, together, can know and fully experience life&rsquo,s amazing possibilities. When we resist this calling our lives appear difficult, dangerous, and limited but, when we embrace our true purpose, everything changes and our lives begin to flow perfectly. Even if we change nothing, collectively, we will still be fulfilling this role perfectly. However, there are an infinite number of ways to experience life and, as this book illuminates, we each have the absolute power to choose our own personal experience. In fact, each of us is the only person that can determine our experience because no one else is even involved. &nbsp, Living our lives with this different awareness, one in which we fully understand that each of us is an important and integrated part of something much greater than our old and obsolete vision of separate competing individuals, will powerfully influence how our lives appear and feel. We literally have the ability to change the appearance of our entire world by learning how to change our deepest

  • ISBN: 9780988834460
  • Encuadernación: Sin formato definido

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